Finn agreed to seek treatment, but he asks to see Violet

General Hospital Recap for Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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General Hospital Daily Recaps (Wednesday, June 26, 2024)
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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

At Sonny's penthouse, Sonny greeted Trina. She explained that Ava had sent her to fetch Ava's day planner. Sonny invited Trina to check Ava's room because he hadn't entered it since he'd kicked Ava out. After Trina retrieved the day planner, she found Sonny waiting in the living room. She offered to share Ava's suite number at Metro Court, but Sonny wasn't interested. He asked Trina to let Ava know that Ava would be hearing from his lawyer because a hotel was not a suitable place to raise a child, even on a part-time basis.

A short time later, Trina dropped off the day planner. Ava invited Trina into her suite and asked how Sonny had seemed. Trina confessed that she'd been eager to leave because he'd been cold. Ava was curious if Natalia had been with Sonny, so Trina revealed that he'd been alone. However, Ava's temper quickly flared when Trina passed along Sonny's message. "Oh, that son of a bitch. He's planning to take away my daughter," Ava snarled.

Ava insisted that the only reason she was in a hotel was because Sonny had tossed her out before she could find a place to live. Ava was certain that it was payback for her role in his "friend" losing her law license. She was frustrated that she'd ever believed that Sonny had been sincere. "Sonny is violent and impulsive, vindictive and selfish," Ava accused. She claimed that she'd done everything in her power to coexist with him, but he wanted to punish her by taking her daughter.

Concerned, Trina asked what Ava intended to do. "I'm going to fight back. Sonny isn't the only one who knows a thing or two about threats," Ava said. Trina warned Ava that it wouldn't be a good idea to go up against Sonny, but Ava argued that she didn't have a choice. Ava gave Trina the rest of the day off. After Trina left, Ava made a phone call.

A short time later, Scott arrived to talk to Ava. She filled him in about Sonny's threat to fight for sole custody of Avery. Scott was curious if Sonny would accuse Ava of being unfit -- and if the allegation would be true. Ava argued that it didn't matter because Sonny would either pay someone off or lie on the stand to get his way. Scott conceded that both Sonny and Ava had a spotty past with the Port Charles Police Department, so a family court judge would look at their custody case as bad versus even worse.

Scott explained that a judge would rule in favor of the side with the slightest edge. Ava pointed out that Sonny was a mob boss. "Allegedly," Scott said. Ava was certain that they could find plenty of people to testify that Sonny was violent and impulsive and that he bounced from one mental health crisis to the next. Scott advised Ava to protect herself because nasty child custody cases tended to be mutual disasters. Ava was ready to take her chances because she refused to leave Avery with Sonny permanently.

Ava asked if Scott would represent her. "I'm in," he told her. However, Scott made it clear that he would need some "stunt pay" to go up against "Killer Miller."

In the apartment above the Quartermaine garage, Josslyn was hard at work, cleaning before moving in. When Gio stopped by, Josslyn mentioned that Trina was out running errands for Ava. Gio noticed Josslyn's tone when she mentioned Ava's name, so he asked about it. Josslyn explained that she respected Trina's relationship with Ava, but Josslyn intensely disliked Ava. Josslyn admitted that Ava's only redeeming quality had been helping to create Avery.

Josslyn realized that it might not be a good idea to talk bad about the woman who had hired Gio to perform at the gallery, but her opinion of Ava didn't improve when she learned that Ava intended to pay Gio $100 for performing at the gallery. Gio reminded Josslyn that his expenses were low because he lived in the Quartermaine mansion, but she accused Ava of being cheap. When Gio reached for a ladder, Josslyn objected. She insisted that he protect his precious hands at all costs because they were his meal ticket. Gio smiled.

Later, Trina arrived, but Josslyn immediately noticed that something was troubling her friend. Trina revealed that she'd just had an exchange with Ava that had concerned her because Ava was furious with Sonny. Josslyn was surprised, since Ava and Sonny had been getting along. Trina shared that Sonny had kicked Ava out and threatened to take her to court over Avery, which had enraged Ava. Josslyn reminded Trina that it wouldn't be Ava and Sonny's first showdown. Alarmed, Gio asked if Ava was a threat to Sonny.

Josslyn assured Gio that Ava wouldn't physically harm Sonny, but Trina confessed that she wasn't so certain because Ava had seemed capable of anything. Gio was curious why Josslyn didn't like Sonny, so she explained that she had loved Sonny a long time before. However, Josslyn's feelings had changed because of "family stuff." Josslyn shared that her mother had been married to Sonny more than once. "They had -- and have -- a pretty volatile relationship," Josslyn said.

Josslyn admitted that Sonny and Carly's last breakup had been bad. Josslyn had eventually realized that her mother was capable of taking care of herself, and Carly had the right to live her own life, as did Sonny. Josslyn acknowledged that she and Sonny didn't agree, but she didn't want anything to happen to him. Gio asked Trina if Ava posed a real threat to Sonny. "Honestly, I don't know, but I wouldn't rule it out," Trina said.

At Alexis' house, Alexis was focused on her laptop when Kristina suddenly tapped on her mother's shoulder. Startled, Alexis jumped. Kristina explained that she had knocked, but she was curious what Alexis had been engrossed in. "Nothing," Alexis said as she quickly closed the laptop. Kristina called Alexis out on acting suspicious, but Alexis ignored the comment.

After Kristina joined Alexis on the sofa, she explained that she had read over the links that Alexis had sent her about her legal options, and she'd drawn up a petition to file with the court. However, Kristina wanted Alexis to review it first. Alexis tensed and asked what the petition was for. "If Molly and T.J. do split up, then the baby stays with us," Kristina said. "Us meaning?" Alexis asked.

Kristina explained that she intended to make certain that the baby stayed with the Davis family, and she was certain that it was what Molly wanted. Alexis advised Kristina to discuss it with Molly, but Kristina implored Alexis to look over the petition. Alexis reminded Kristina that she refused to get caught in the middle of things, but Kristina asked if Alexis would be okay with T.J. getting custody of the baby. Alexis was curious why Kristina acted like it was a foregone conclusion that Molly and T.J. would split up. Kristina insisted that T.J. and Molly never argued and that the stress of a pregnancy could tear a couple apart.

Kristina claimed that she wanted to be prepared, but Alexis asked if it was possible that Kristina subconsciously wanted T.J. and Molly to break up. Kristina denied it and asked why she would want that. Before Alexis could reply, there was a knock at the door. It was Sonny. Alexis opened the door. "Thank God," she said.

After Sonny greeted his daughter, he revealed that he had wanted Alexis to know that he had learned from Kristina about Ava's efforts to get Alexis disbarred, so he had thrown Ava out of the penthouse. Sonny regretted not heeding Kristina's warnings, but both Kristina and Alexis were supportive because Sonny hadn't known the truth about Ava. Sonny assured Alexis that they were on the same side regarding Ava.

Alexis confessed that she had wanted to wait until she had her daughters together to share some news. She pulled out the letter from the Court of Appeals and announced that she was no longer disbarred. Sonny and Kristina were delighted by the news. "Justice prevails," Sonny said. Alexis shared that Diane had asked her to join the law firm. "The dynamic duo," Sonny said with a smile.

Alexis clarified that Diane would be Sonny's lawyer, not Alexis. Sonny admitted that he would need Diane's services because he would soon have a legal battle on his hands.

In the Quartermaine stables, Sasha and Cody talked about Violet. Sasha was concerned about Violet because she had looked tired and had barely eaten. Sasha feared that something serious was going on and that it centered around Violet's father because she had overheard Tracy talking to Olivia about Brook Lynn, Chase, and Violet moving into the mansion permanently. Both Cody and Sasha agreed that it was hard to grow up without a father.

Seconds later, Mac knocked on the door. "Is this a bad time?" Mac asked. Sasha assured Mac that it was fine, so Mac explained that he had wanted to thank Cody for all that Cody had done for Mac's family. Mac revealed that Maxie had told him how supportive Cody had been, and it was clear that James loved Cody. Cody admitted that the feeling was mutual. Mac apologized because he regretted having been suspicious and pegging Cody as a con man who couldn't be trusted.

"And obviously, that couldn't be further from the truth," Mac said. Mac confided that Cody was "Superman" to Maxie and the kids. "Will you accept my apology?" Mac asked as he held out his hand. After Cody shook Mac's hand, Cody explained that he loved Mac's family. Mac conceded that Cody fit right in with everyone.

Mac smiled because he noticed that Sasha and Cody were spending time together. Cody claimed that he and Sasha were just co-workers, but Mac wasn't convinced. "Sure," Mac said with a smile. Mac turned to leave, but he told Cody to expect an observer for James's next riding lesson. After Mac left, Sasha urged Cody to be honest with Mac about Mac being Cody's father, but Cody wanted to wait for the right time because he didn't want to risk messing things up.

In the park, Finn stopped short when he saw his brother seated on the bench dedicated to Gregory. When Chase caught sight of Finn, he offered to leave, but Finn told Chase to stay because they needed to talk. Finn questioned why Chase had ignored his calls, knowing that Finn was desperate to get Violet back. Chase didn't reply, so Finn tempered his tone as he asked how Violet was doing. "She's confused and very worried about you," Chase said. Finn realized that Violet had been deeply affected by finding him passed out on the floor.

Chase explained that he and Brook Lynn had reassured Violet, but Violet feared that Finn would think she had abandoned her father and that she didn't love him. Shaken, Finn promised that he would never think that. Chase admitted that Violet saw Finn as a hero, as did Chase. Chase and Finn talked about the restraining order and emergency petition for custody. Chase admitted that it hadn't been easy for him to take such drastic action.

Finn confessed that he'd been angry at Chase and Elizabeth, but the person he had hated was himself. Finn couldn't believe that -- after years of sobriety -- he was back where he had started, unable to control the urge to anesthetize himself. Chase pointed out that it was the first step of the program. Finn acknowledged how his actions had hurt Violet, but Chase reminded his brother that Finn hadn't meant to hurt Violet. Finn argued that it didn't matter because his choices had caused Violet pain. "And the thought of that makes me want to die," Finn admitted.

Finn realized that he was broken, so Chase assured Finn that he would help and support Finn. Finn pulled out his cell phone and called Skymeadow Lodge to report that he would be checking in later that evening. After the call, Chase promised to drop Finn off and pick Finn up when Finn had completed the 90-day program. Finn asked for one more favor; he wanted to say goodbye to Violet before going to Skymeadow Lodge.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Tracy asked Brook Lynn how Violet was doing. Violet was spending time with Leo, but Brook Lynn remained concerned about Violet. Brook Lynn was grateful for the temporary hospitality, but she was scared because she didn't know what would happen next. "I think you and Chase are gonna have to consider the possibility it might be a more permanent situation," Tracy said.

Brook Lynn argued that she and Chase couldn't stay at the mansion indefinitely with Violet, but Tracy pointed out that -- if Finn went to rehab -- Finn's place wasn't an option because there were too many traumatic memories there for Violet. Tracy also reminded her granddaughter that the one-bedroom apartment was too small for three people. Brook Lynn was surprised when Tracy revealed that she'd had a long talk with both Monica and Olivia, and they had all agreed that Brook Lynn, Chase, and Violet should move in permanently.

Tracy explained that Violet needed consistency and stability, and there was lots of maternal energy and father figures around to provide that for Violet. Tracy also reminded Brook Lynn that there were plenty of children running around. Brook Lynn picked up a photograph of Edward and Lila and looked at it for a long moment. She admitted that she was overwhelmed with gratitude, but she would need to talk to Chase first. Tracy admired Brook Lynn's fortitude because Brook Lynn should have been in Florence on her honeymoon.

Brook Lynn shared that she had told Chase that they were exactly where they should be. Tracy smiled because Brook Lynn was a "better man" than Tracy. Brook Lynn disagreed because, under Tracy's bravado, her grandmother had a really big heart. "Don't tell anyone," Tracy said. As Tracy hugged Brook Lynn, she assured her, "This too shall pass." "I know," Brook Lynn replied.

A short time later, Chase arrived and quickly filled Brook Lynn and Tracy in on his conversation with Finn in the park and Finn's decision to seek treatment. Brook Lynn and Tracy were surprised when Chase revealed that Finn was waiting in the car to say goodbye to Violet. After Brook Lynn went to check on Violet, Chase fetched Finn. Tracy tentatively greeted Finn in the foyer.

Finn and Tracy shared an emotional hug. "Thank you for letting me do this," Finn told her. Tracy admitted that it had been Chase's idea because Chase had felt that it would be good for Violet, which was all that mattered. Brook Lynn appeared on the staircase and announced that Violet was ready. "Are you?" Tracy asked Finn.

On the next General Hospital...


• Maxie tells Natalia that it's time to get with the program or kick rocks

• "Tell us how you really feel?" an upset Blaze asks

• "I can't risk anybody seeing you come to my door," Ava explains

• "That means there's a target on her back," Sonny says



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